This website is about truth.
Leonard Alt
Catholic Church, Coming Home
I used to get hot under the collar when Protestants would talk about the many stupid Catholics,...
A Harvard Professor’s Conversion to Catholicism | Roy Schoeman | Jesus, My Savior
I saw that we live forever. I saw that every action has a moral content… I, of course, knew that...
Are you “born again” the Bible way? Steve Ray
I noticed that this pastor had a Bible on his lap and he put it under the table cloth, but I saw...
Does God multiply food today just as He did in Biblical times?
Does God multiply food today just as He did in Biblical times? Over the next days at the Bible...
The Mysterious Image of Our Lady of the Fjords, Oldest Photo of an Apparition
The Mysterious Image of Our Lady of the Fjords, Oldest Photo of an Apparition: Tuesday, December...
Do Catholics honor Mary more than Jesus?
My Catholic friends, don't be to hard on your non-Catholic friends because they believe this...
Gloating over child sex abuse scandals while ignoring the larger scandals in Protestant and secular settings!
Abuse cases fell dramatically after 1995 Spirit DailyBy Steven O’KeefeIn mid-August (2018) the...
Five Myths About 7 Books
Lenny's comment: One of the first arguments that I heard against the Catholic Church is that they...
The Catholic Church, is it Satan’s main weapon, or the Church that Jesus founded?
A man by the name of Danilo says; "Mr. Leonard Alt. A sharp, articulate man like you who chooses...
Jesus is Lord!
A man by the name of Danilo says; "Mr. Leonard Alt. A sharp, articulate man like you who chooses...
Bowing down to gods!
Is bowing to people other than God a sin? God is a jealous God, but is He really jealous of his...
Are Saints Dead or Alive?
Are saints who have physically died, "dead saints" or are they alive with God? One person on...
My Story of My Catholic Faith
Anti-Catholic literature led me deeper into my Catholic faith! Having always been Catholic, I was...
Purgatory-Show Me Where It Is
With due respect, Do you believe in Purgatory? If so, will you show me where it is? Nadine says: I...
The Catholic Church
The Catholic Church, is it Satan's main weapon, or the Church that Jesus founded? A man by the...
Joseph Smith and the Mormons
I was hungry and I wasn’t in a Mormon talking mood! Do Mormons have the truth?I was doing a little...
Catholic Nuns murdered by the Gestapo
The Martyrs of Nowogrodek – on 01. August 1943, 11 Catholic nuns were murdered by the Gestapo. By...
Priest meet souls in Purgatory
Priest Who Saw Heaven Hell and Purgatory
THE PRIEST WHO SAW HEAVEN HELL AND PURGATORY Fr. Jose Maniyangat is currently the pastor of St....
Proof of Heaven
Proof of Heaven by Dr Gary Scott Smith! “Heaven is Real,” a Newsweek cover proclaimed. Renowned...
Straight to Jesus-Mary Set The Example
The Protestants were right all along; We go straight to Jesus, AND MARY SET THE EXAMPLE! There are...
Should Mary Be Honored
Should Mary be exalted and if so in what way? On social media, a member of the Baptist Religion...
Rapture and Tribulation Historyby Rev. Thomas W. SheehanRapture comes from a vision (private...
Can We Ever Lose Our Salvation
Salvation A person called in to a local Christian talk radio program in the Milwaukee area and was...
Confession-Luther-Permission to sin
Is permission to sin a Catholic or Protestant tradition? Did Martin Luther give his followers...
Infant Baptism
Infant Baptism, what does the Bible & Tradition say? Jesus said, Let the children come to me,...
Boettnner claims there is no New Testament Sacrifice. If he is correct then, there is no priest...
Sacrifices that cannot take away sin
Are priests really false mediators offering sacrifices that cannot take away sinor is Mike Gendron...
Are the time of miracles over?
Are the time of miracles over? Some say yes; others no, BUT WHAT DID JESUS SAY? NILO SAYS: Yes,...
Born Again
Are you "born again" the Bible way? "Steve, just curious, are you born again? I said Yes, I am...
Jesus said, you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free (Jn. 8:32)
There are many spoken words that are not true.
Even Christians are caught up in falsehoods. The writings in here discuss the historical Catholic Church founded by Jesus and the Apostles and contrasts this with the objections of the adversaries of the Church. There are many falsehoods being spoken against the Catholic Church.
There are three main areas where the Catholic Church is not accurately represented. The history and teachings of the Church are often misrepresented, and the Bible is oftentimes taken out of context. These are the main areas where the adversaries of the Church are trying to show that the Catholic Church is corrupt and not the Church founded by Jesus and the Apostles. They are oftentimes doing this in innocence, not realizing that they are in fact misrepresenting both the Church and the Bible.
The battle cry of many non-Catholics is “show it to me in the Bible.” This is actually something I very much agree with; however, once we see it in the Bible, then we must take it seriously. For example, we must take the Church seriously because the Church is in the Bible. The Apostle Paul tells us about a Church that is built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone (Eph. 2:19-20). In our Bible, the Church is given real authority, if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector (Mt. 18:17). And so, we are commanded by Jesus to listen to the Church.
The Apostle Paul also references the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of truth (Tim. 3:15). This being true, then we must go to this same “Church of the living God” to access this “bulwark of truth.” Those who put the Bible at odds with the Church are at odds with the parts of their Bible where the Church is given real authority. The Church is in the Bible and the Bible is in the Church. In fact, it was this same authoritative Catholic Church that determined the Bible in the latter part of the 4th century.