A Harvard Professor’s Conversion to Catholicism | Roy Schoeman | Jesus, My Savior
I saw that we live forever. I saw that every action has a moral content… I, of course, knew that the meaning in my life was to worship and serve my Lord and God and Master, but I didn’t know who He was…
As I was walking, I prayed to know the name of my Lord and God and Master who is revealing Himself to me, so I would know what religion to follow. And I was praying as I walked along, let me know your name! I don’t mind if you are Buddha and I have to become Buddhist. I don’t mind if you are Krishna and I have to become Hindu. I don’t mind if you are Apollo and I have to become a Roman pagan as long as you’re not Christ and I have to become Christian!”
He then had an experience with Jesus’ Mother Mary and realized that his God was in fact Jesus. And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior’ (Lk. 1:46-47).
For the rest of Roy’s amazing story please click on the following address: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWDevlijGUI&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2ahFqEFXXjKZiIS4Uo-EPCyojzyP64XFfre53gHR_LDOXRMCnmcBYlQ08
Men of Christ Conference: Meet Roy Schoeman, a former professor at Harvard Business School, as he speaks about his acceptance of atheism when he went to university and how it dragged him into a pit of hopelessness. He shares how God personally intervened in his life in a miraculous way. Now working as a Catholic speaker and inspiring thousands of believers and nonbelievers with his story, he has found the true meaning of life and the overflowing ocean of God’s love. Roy will be at the 14th Annual Men of Christ Conference in Miller High Life Theatre, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on Saturday March 14th, 2020. Please come and join us. Jason Jones and John Edwards will also be there. For more information on this event please go to https://www.facebook.com/events/480165592540623/
Catholicmilwaukee.com: For copies of this article please go to https://www.catholicmilwaukee.net/wp-admin/post.php?post=33018&action=edit.